Other Resources Archives - Stride Tutoring https://stridetutoring.com/articles/category/other-resources/ One-to-One Online Tutoring with Real Teachers, for Real Results Tue, 18 Jun 2024 19:14:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://stridetutoring.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/cropped-cropped-st-favicon-new-512-192x192-1-100x100.webp Other Resources Archives - Stride Tutoring https://stridetutoring.com/articles/category/other-resources/ 32 32 5 Expert Ways to Manage Academic Stress and Anxiety https://stridetutoring.com/articles/5-expert-ways-to-manage-academic-stress-and-anxiety/ Tue, 18 Jun 2024 18:03:32 +0000 https://stridetutoring.com/?p=1523 The post 5 Expert Ways to Manage Academic Stress and Anxiety appeared first on Stride Tutoring.


Academic stress and anxiety can really get to you, but don’t worry – you’re definitely not alone. Lots of students feel the same way, and the good news is there are great strategies to help manage it. We reached out to our awesome Stride tutors for their best advice on handling stress and feeling less overwhelmed, and they shared some fantastic tips. Let’s jump into these five practical tips to make your academic journey a lot smoother and way less stressful!

1. Create a Structured Study Schedule

Establishing a structured study schedule can provide a sense of control and reduce anxiety about academic tasks. Here’s what our tutors recommend:

  • “Use a planner or an agenda to map out your time. Plan accordingly and stick to it!” – Adrianne B., Middle School Math Tutor
  • “Establish a daily routine that includes dedicated study time, breaks, and relaxation activities.” – Shani G., High School Science Tutor
  • “I recommend students create a reasonable plan and put in consistent effort to keep what they can control, like their school schedule, in a routine that works for them. There will always be stressors in life, but with a plan and consistent effort you can overcome anything!” – Ryn B., High School Math Tutor

2. Practice Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques

Incorporating mindfulness and relaxation techniques into your daily routine can significantly reduce stress levels. Stride tutors are well-versed in mindfulness techniques and support students with tools they can use when stress arises.

  • “Incorporating mindfulness techniques such as meditation or deep breathing exercises can help calm the mind and reduce stress.” – Angelica A., High School Math Tutor
  • “As a yoga teacher, I coach students through box breathing to help ground themselves when they’re anxious.” – Taylor L., Middle School Math Tutor
  • “Taking brain breaks and water breaks when needed can help students remain focused and attentive.” – Laura P., Middle School Foreign Language Tutor

3. Break Tasks into Smaller, Manageable Steps

Breaking down tasks into smaller steps can make them more manageable and reduce feelings of overwhelm. Here’s what our tutors advise:

  • “Get started early and work in small chunks! Big projects are overwhelming and can cause so much stress and anxiety. It’s best if the task can be broken into smaller, manageable amounts.” – Laura E., Middle School Math Tutor
  • “I recommend that students take a step back when they are academically stressed and break down their workload into more manageable pieces. For instance, if you have a big project coming up, break it down into sections so you will feel accomplished after you finish them. Sometimes, having smaller chunks of work can make things less stressful and cause less anxiety.” – Rebecca C., High School Science Tutor

4. Reach Out for Support

Remember, you are not alone! Seeking support from counselors, trusted friends and family, or professionals can provide valuable guidance and alleviate feelings of isolation. In addition to teachers, online tutors can be an instrumental part of your support system.

Almost all of our tutors mentioned finding a trusted adult to talk to when you need support as a helpful tool for managing stress. Here’s their advice:

  • “Discussing their academic stress and anxiety with parents and teachers will allow students to feel supported and have the tools to achieve mastery of the material.” – Emily P., Middle School Science Tutor
  • “Regular tutoring sessions can be helpful so they stay up to date on the material they are learning in class and get outside-of-class support on it. Sometimes I know that the student has a good grasp on the material but is still feeling stressed about how they will perform on an assessment, so I might give a little pep talk and give them test taking strategies to help them focus on what they do know and move through the material.” – Amanda L., High School Math Tutor

5. Prioritize Sleep and Self-Care

Taking care of yourself is crucial for managing stress. Our tutors are all in favor of students prioritizing their self-care to achieve better academic outcomes. Here’s what they recommend:

  • “Manage stress and anxiety by ensuring you are getting enough sleep. Staying up too late to do work and not getting enough sleep is more detrimental in the long run.” – Laura P., Middle School Foreign Language Tutor
  • “Prioritize self-care practices like consistent exercise and enough sleep, both very important to maintain a balanced lifestyle.” – Gabe J., High School Foreign Languages Tutor
  • “Don’t stay up too late! Get at least 8 hours of sleep before getting up for school the next morning; lack of sleep and the lag creates unnecessary stress and anxiety.” – Reynaldo M., Middle School Math Tutor

Remember, managing academic stress is a process, and it’s okay to ask for help along the way. These tips are here to guide you, but finding what works best for you is key. Stay positive, take things one step at a time, and know that you can handle whatever comes your way.

Good luck, and take care of yourself!

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Impact of the Pandemic on Learning: Insights from Stride Tutors https://stridetutoring.com/articles/pandemic-learning-impact/ Tue, 30 Apr 2024 13:00:43 +0000 https://stridetutoring.com/?p=1448 The post Impact of the Pandemic on Learning: Insights from Stride Tutors appeared first on Stride Tutoring.


In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the educational landscape has undergone a profound transformation, presenting both unprecedented challenges and new opportunities for students and educators alike. As we mark over four years since the onset of this global crisis, we turned to our Stride tutors for valuable perspectives on the lingering challenges facing students in today’s ever-evolving learning environment.

Learning Loss Due to Pandemic Disruptions

“The level of education was reduced, and we are seeing the results of ‘virtual’ classrooms that really were not designed to be virtual.” – Colleen Kayl, High School Business Tutor

The pandemic forced a sudden shift to remote and hybrid learning models, which disrupted traditional educational structures and led to widespread learning loss. This massive change to our education system should not be underestimated, explains Paul Brunngraeber, a High School math tutor. “I think of the pandemic and learning loss much the same as Summer vacation and learning loss. So many students missed out on valuable months of education. We are now playing catchup.”

Learning loss has been enhanced by stark inequities in access to resources and support systems, said Gabe Jolivet, a High School foreign languages tutor. “Especially for students from underprivileged backgrounds, the shift to online learning has created difficulties with digital access, technology skill, and participation.”

The implications of learning loss during this time are profound, with lasting repercussions for students’ academic trajectories and future opportunities. “I think a lot has been done in the last couple of years to try and get kids caught up, but I think we will see the impacts of the pandemic on students’ learning, attention spans, etc. for several years to come,” said Allison Szatkiewicz, a Middle School English tutor.

Nonetheless, educators like Tangelica Crates, a Middle School English tutor, are hopeful that the future can be improved. “I have seen many students work hard and make great gains since COVID. We can’t go back in time and change what happened, but we can change how we respond to it today.”

Mental Health Impact on Learning

“The pandemic has resulted in a reduction of social maturation due to isolation.” – Randall Dunkin, High School Science Tutor

Beyond academic challenges, the lack of social interaction during the pandemic has had a major impact on student well-being, says Kathryn Houlihan, a Middle School math tutor. “The pandemic has taken a toll on students’ mental health, with increased levels of stress, anxiety, and depression reported among many young people. Mental health challenges can impact students’ ability to concentrate, retain information, and engage effectively in learning activities.”

Many tutors cited increased stress, anxiety, and social isolation as hindering students’ ability to concentrate and engage effectively in learning. “The pandemic wildly affected students’ social skills in an aggressive way…they not only struggle to have conversations with adults or strangers, but also their peers,” said Ryn Burnett, a High School math tutor.

Aide Parker, a Middle School foreign languages tutor, observed that the consequences of social isolation persist today. “When students have to present or make a speech I see them get anxious. We see this a lot with kids not wanting to use video cameras in the tutoring room or mics; they prefer to chat. This has impacted how kids participate.”

Despite the significant challenges students face in navigating this new landscape, we must move forward together, says Tricia Sheridan, a Middle School English tutor. “The pandemic has been traumatic for all of humanity and we have experienced it together. Student’s learning and socialization have been impacted greatly because of this jarring event. We must be patient with ourselves and others, and remember that we’re in this together…we are continuing to build back up the balance that was tipped. It may look different, but to continue with optimism is the goal.”

Impact of Technology on Learning

“Students are more into their phones than ever before.” – Maria Avila Carvajal, Middle School Foreign Language Tutor

Technology played a central role in shaping the new educational landscape during the pandemic, offering unprecedented opportunities for learning and collaboration. However, such a heavy reliance on technology in education presents challenges.

“Because technology has become a significantly larger part of education, it makes everything faster, and kids get used to that,” said Shea Maize, High School foreign languages tutor. As the amount of technology students interact with on a daily basis grows both in and out of the classroom, it has had an impact on student expectations and attention spans.

Tara LoPresti, a High School science tutor, agrees. “They really do not take notes any more because the teachers give them the notes already completed, which I know really started during the pandemic. This tactic does not allow the student to write down notes or even put the notes in their own words. Students are so addicted to having everything given to them that many do not have the higher level thinking skills.”

Many tutors underscored the importance of promoting responsible technology use and critical thinking skills in the digital age. Doing this requires thoughtful integration and support to maximize technologies full potential for enhancing learning outcomes.

Resilience and Adaptability

“The pandemic has impacted students positively because of their increased ability to communicate with peers and teachers online. They feel more comfortable reaching out to teachers through email and self-advocating.” – Anna Knuth, High School Math Tutor

Amidst the upheaval caused by the pandemic, both students and educators grappled with profound challenges. “People, especially children, need stability and consistency. The pandemic took away stability and consistency in our lives and the classroom,” said Beth Jones, a High School math tutor.

However, when faced with adversity, students and educators have demonstrated remarkable resilience and adaptability. “The pandemic showed students that they could learn at home and some students found that they actually learn better at home when they can make themselves a flexible schedule. Students found that without the distractions of a typical classroom, they can focus better,” said Laura Perez Speaks, a Middle School foreign languages tutor.

Ken Reed, a High School math tutor, has observed students adapting to this new environment. “I think students have learned to become more self-sufficient in their learning. By staying home they’ve learned to use different resources beyond the normal teaching from a teacher. They’ve become more resourceful.”

As we navigate the complexities of the digital age and post-pandemic challenges, it’s essential to adopt a holistic approach to education—one that prioritizes students’ well-being and academic growth. By leveraging insights from our online tutors and embracing innovation, we can chart a course towards a brighter future of education—one that empowers students to thrive in an increasingly digital and interconnected world.

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8 Top Study Tips from Stride Tutors https://stridetutoring.com/articles/8-top-study-tips-from-stride-tutors/ Tue, 23 Apr 2024 01:26:34 +0000 https://stridetutoring.com/?p=1423 The post 8 Top Study Tips from Stride Tutors appeared first on Stride Tutoring.


Looking for the best study tips to supercharge your learning experience? Look no further! We reached out to our expert team of Stride tutors to provide you with the most effective study habits you can start using today.

  1. Consistency is Key: Establish a regular study schedule and stick to it. Consistent effort over time leads to significant academic progress.“Consistency is the most effective study habit. Students, (with parental assistance), should develop a study routine that includes a dedicated location free of distractions and a specific time frame.” – Lakera Bethea, Elementary School Math Tutor
  2. Active Engagement: Take an active approach to learning by creating flashcards, practicing problem-solving activities, and applying concepts to real-world scenarios.“One of the most effective study habits I recommend is good old fashioned practice! Repetition, reinforcement…and like Nike says, ‘Just do it!’ Much of academic success boils down to the same simple answer, ‘practice makes perfect.'” – Donna Chimenti, Elementary School English Tutor
  3. Stay Organized: Keep track of course materials, assignments, and study schedules to maintain efficiency and focus.“For academic progress, the most effective study habits I recommend are making yourself a schedule (and sticking to it), and being organized. When a student sticks to a schedule, he/she completes more work than trying to cram all of their assignments in at the last minute. Staying organized allows a student to save time by being able to locate what they need when they need it.” – Laura Perez Speaks, Middle School Foreign Languages Tutor
  4. Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to reach out to teachers or tutors for assistance when needed. Asking questions and seeking clarification are crucial for understanding complex topics.“I recommend scheduling regular tutoring sessions if possible so that they can keep receiving regular support on the material they are learning in class.” – Amanda Lambert, High School Math Tutor
  5. Create a Distraction-Free Environment: Find a quiet and comfortable study space free from distractions to maximize concentration. “Get into a routine – plan a specific time or times each day where you will study or do homework. Making sure, as much as possible, that you have a comfortable and quiet place to work can really help. Leave cell phones out of sight if possible, and try to set up an environment that will help you focus.” – Allison Szatkiewicz, Middle School English Tutor
  6. Practice Regularly: Engage in consistent practice, especially for subjects like math where repetition is key to mastery.“Practice is the most effective study habit. Musicians practice music on their instruments. Athletes practice sports in the appropriate setting. Doctors practice medicine. So must our students practice over and over and over again.” – Johnay Dempsey, High School Math Tutor
  7. Embrace a Growth Mindset: Cultivate a growth mindset towards academics, believing in your ability to improve with effort and perseverance.“It’s important to have a growth mindset when it comes to academics. Anyone can improve their grades with work, but it also takes a positive mindset.” – Pam VanDyke, High School Math Tutor
  8. Take Breaks: Incorporate short breaks into study sessions to avoid burnout and maintain productivity. Remember, balance and self-care are essential for long-term academic success. “It’s important to take breaks and avoid cramming. Studying for shorter periods of time with frequent breaks can actually improve your retention of information.” – Angelica Aguilar, High School Math Tutor

By integrating these study tips into your routine, you’ll be on your way to achieving academic success. Remember, it’s not just about studying harder but studying smarter. Good luck!

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Is Online Tutoring as Good as In-Person Tutoring? Pros & Cons https://stridetutoring.com/articles/is-online-tutoring-as-good-as-in-person-tutoring/ Fri, 14 Jul 2023 14:21:45 +0000 https://stridetutoring.com/?p=303 We live in an era of digital transformation, with every aspect of our lives intertwining with technology — and education is no exception. The pandemic certainly accelerated this shift, but the move toward online learning was already in motion.

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We live in an era of digital transformation, with every aspect of our lives intertwining with technology — and education is no exception. The pandemic certainly accelerated this shift, but the move toward online learning was already in motion. If your child needs tutoring, you must have wondered, “Is online tutoring as good as in-person tutoring?” In most cases, online tutoring is as effective as in-person tutoring, but it depends on the child’s learning style, personal strengths, and specific needs.

In-Person Tutoring: Pros and Cons

In-person tutoring provides a dynamic and engaging learning environment. Whether it’s a math tutor illustrating complex problems, an English tutor dissecting Shakespearean verses, or a science tutor explaining chemical reactions, direct interaction can enhance understanding and retention. In-person tutoring is invaluable for learning hands-on activities.

But this type of private tutoring also has drawbacks. The need for physical presence can lead to scheduling constraints and logistical challenges. You can only work with a tutor local to you, giving you far fewer qualified choices. As a result, the pool of available local tutors often has lower levels of experience and credentials. Parents sometimes have safety concerns with 1-on-1 tutoring. Additionally, in-person tutoring typically costs more since you must pay for the tutor’s travel time.

Online Tutoring: Pros and Cons

Online tutoring offers unprecedented flexibility. With this option, your child can study trigonometry with a math tutor, delve into classic literature with an English tutor, or decode biology concepts with a science tutor — all from the convenience and security of your living room. You can choose from highly qualified private tutoring professionals nationwide, with far easier scheduling. Neither you nor the tutor spends time stuck in traffic, and you won’t have to pay for travel time.

Despite the many benefits of online tutoring, there are challenges. A stable internet connection is an absolute must. It is easier for students to become distracted during online tutoring, though there are strategies to help limit distractions. Some students still prefer face-to-face interaction, although they are far more comfortable with on-screen interactions than any previous generation.

Personality, Learning Types, and Adaptability

“Is online tutoring as good as in-person tutoring?” The answer is an unqualified yes in terms of convenience, economics, security, and quality of the tutors. One-on-one tutoring online is often better than in-person tutoring on these scores. However, the needs of your specific child are paramount.

The most effective tutoring method depends on the student’s personality, learning style, and adaptability. A hands-on learner might flourish with in-person tutoring. In contrast, an auditory or visual learner may benefit more from online sessions. Similarly, an adaptable and tech-savvy student might embrace online learning, whereas a student who thrives on personal interaction might prefer in-person tutoring.

The Future of Learning

The future of learning is progressively gravitating toward online platforms, allowing students worldwide access to quality education. The question, “Is online tutoring as good as in-person tutoring?” is becoming less relevant as technology and teaching methods advance. Private tutoring, especially 1-on-1 tutoring, is no longer bound by geographical constraints or available only to those with significant monetary means. In many ways, online tutoring is democratizing education, offering unprecedented opportunities for learning to all.

Supporting Your Child’s Academic Journey

Whether in-person or online, private 1-on-1 tutoring empowers students to reach their academic potential. Determining the best approach depends on your child’s individual needs and circumstances. As we journey into the digital age, remember that both paths lead to a promising future of enriched learning opportunities.

Find out what makes Stride Tutoring the best online tutoring platform. All our private tutoring is conducted online by state-certified teachers.

Online Tutoring with an “In-Person” Feel

Worried about your child focusing with an online tutor? Don’t. Our tutors are experts at engaging students in a virtual environment. Online tutoring is easy, safe, and convenient. Plus, kids often learn better in a comfortable environment!

Find an Online Tutor

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How Remote Tutoring is Changing Education https://stridetutoring.com/articles/remote-tutoring-is-changing-education/ Mon, 03 Jul 2023 16:49:02 +0000 https://stridetutoring.com/?p=279 The post How Remote Tutoring is Changing Education appeared first on Stride Tutoring.


Education has come a long way over the years, and the rise of remote tutoring is a significant factor that will contribute to the future of education. Remote tutoring is a form of distance learning that has revolutionized the way we approach education as it offers students an opportunity to receive personalized one-on-one attention from expert tutors, regardless of their location or time zone. In this blog post, we explore the transformative power of remote tutoring in education and how it has influenced the field over the years. We’ll highlight how remote tutoring enhances traditional classroom learning, significant advancements in the field, and explore its impact on the future of education.

Increased Access to Education

One of the most significant benefits of remote tutoring is the increased access to education it provides. Whether you live in a rural area, have mobility restrictions, or cannot afford private in-person tutoring, remote tutoring opens up a world of educational opportunities. With just an internet connection and a computer, students can access the best tutors in their field, no matter where they are in the world. This accessibility has the potential to level the playing field for students who previously may not have had access to the resources they need to succeed academically.

Personalized Learning

Remote tutoring offers a personalized learning experience that is tailored to the needs of the individual student. Tutors work with students to assess their strengths and weaknesses, develop a personalized learning plan, and provide one-on-one support. This unique approach helps students to better understand the material and achieve their academic goals. Unlike in-classroom learning, where there is a one-size-fits-all approach, remote tutoring gives students the opportunity to learn at their own pace and get the individualized attention they need. Tutoring can be a great tool for enhancing understanding of concepts introduced in the classroom by helping students dig in and ask questions at each step of the way.

Enhanced Flexibility and Convenience

Another benefit of remote tutoring is the enhanced flexibility and convenience it offers. With remote tutoring, students have the option to schedule sessions around their busy schedules. Whether it’s early in the morning or late at night, remote tutoring offers the flexibility to fit learning into their daily routine. Additionally, remote tutoring eliminates the need for students to travel, which can be time-consuming and costly. With remote tutoring, all that is needed is an internet connection and a computer, and students can receive personalized support from the comfort of their own homes.

Blending Traditional Classroom Learning with Remote tutoring

Remote tutoring has led to an increase in blended learning, which is a combination of traditional classroom learning and remote tutoring. This approach allows students to benefit from the best of both worlds by providing them with the personalized attention of remote tutoring, as well as the social interaction of a physical classroom. Blended learning has been shown to improve student engagement, motivation, and academic performance.

Innovation and Advancements in Education

Remote tutoring has already transformed education by providing increased access, personalized learning, flexibility, and innovation. It has contributed to significant advancements and innovations in education that have the potential to level the playing field and make learning more accessible to all. As we move forward, technology continues to advance, and remote tutoring is becoming even more personalized, engaging, and effective. With remote tutoring, tutors can use video conferencing tools, interactive whiteboards, and other tools to create an engaging virtual classroom environment. Additionally, many remote tutoring platforms allow students and tutors to communicate via text-based chat or voice calls which gives students more flexibility in when, where, and how they can get the help they need.Remote tutoring platforms also provide tools for tracking progress, such as quiz and assessment results, so students can see how they are doing in subjects over time. Virtual and augmented reality technologies are now being used to create immersive educational experiences, and educational apps and games are being developed to make learning more fun and interactive. AI could also play a major role in shaping the future of learning – both in and out of the classroom. As remote tutoring continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative approaches to education in the future. Remote tutoring has come a long way over the years, and advancements in technology have made it easier than ever for students to get the help they need from experienced professionals. With more options than ever before, it’s never been easier to connect with a tutor online. Find your tutor and start building your academic confidence with Stride Tutoring!

With the increased number of remote tutoring platforms, students have the opportunity to choose the best one that suits their needs. Remote tutoring is a powerful tool that enhances the traditional classroom learning experience, providing personalized attention and enriching students’ lives. As technology continues to progress, we can only imagine the limitless possibilities that remote tutoring has in store for the future of education.

Online Tutoring with an “In-Person” Feel

Worried about your child focusing with an online tutor? Don’t. Our tutors are experts at engaging students in a virtual environment. Online tutoring is easy, safe, and convenient. Plus, kids often learn better in a comfortable environment!

Find an Online Tutor

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The Power of Tutoring for Special Education Students https://stridetutoring.com/articles/special-education-tutoring/ Wed, 10 May 2023 15:40:22 +0000 https://devtutoring.wpengine.com/?p=1 The post The Power of Tutoring for Special Education Students appeared first on Stride Tutoring.


Special education tutoring offers invaluable support for students with individual learning needs. Being a parent to a child with special needs comes with unique challenges: from finding the right school to creating an individualized education plan (IEP) to considering different therapy options, there are many responsibilities that require your attention. However, one resource that can significantly enhance your child’s learning experience is tutoring. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of tutoring for special education students and why it should be considered as a valuable support system for your child.

Personalized Learning Experience

Special education students thrive in personalized learning environments that cater to their specific needs and learning styles. One of the key advantages of special education tutoring is the ability of tutors to adapt their teaching methods and materials specifically to match your child’s individual requirements. Unlike a traditional classroom setting, where teachers have to address the needs of multiple students simultaneously, tutors can provide focused attention and personalized instruction that is tailored to your child’s specific strengths, weaknesses, and learning preferences. This customized pacing allows students to progress at a pace that suits them best. This type of tailored approach is particularly beneficial for students with IEPs, as it ensures that they receive the individualized instruction they need to thrive academically.

Improved Academic Performance

Tutoring plays a pivotal role in improving the academic performance of special education students. By providing additional time and attention, tutors help students fully comprehend challenging topics. The one-on-one interaction enables students to ask questions, seek clarifications, and gain a deeper understanding of subjects, which can be beneficial especially for students who struggle with processing information. Tutors can reinforce lessons, fill knowledge gaps, and help students develop study skills and strategies that align with their learning style.

Enhanced Self-confidence

Many special education students struggle with self-confidence due to their unique challenges and concerns about falling behind their peers. Tutoring offers a safe and supportive environment where students can ask questions, make mistakes, and grow without fear of judgment. The encouragement and guidance provided by tutors foster a sense of self-assurance, empowering students to tackle academic obstacles with resilience and a positive mindset. Increased self-confidence not only benefits academic performance but also contributes to overall personal development and well-being.

Support in Coping with Emotional and Behavioral Issues

Tutors play a vital role in supporting students who face emotional and behavioral challenges. Special education students may encounter difficulties with social skills, organization, anxiety, or other factors that affect their academic progress. Tutors offer guidance, patience, and understanding to help students navigate these issues; encouraging them when they’re feeling low and praising them when they make progress. This recognition not only boosts students’ self-esteem but also reinforces their belief in their own abilities and potential. By consistently acknowledging and celebrating their achievements, tutors help students develop a positive self-image and foster a growth mindset.

Tutors also play a crucial role in helping students develop social skills and improve their interpersonal interactions. They provide opportunities for students to practice and refine their social abilities in a safe and supportive setting through activities such as role-playing or presentations. By addressing social skills development within the context of tutoring sessions, tutors help students enhance their social competence and feel more confident in social situations.

Partnership with Teachers and Parents

Tutors serve as valuable partners for both classroom teachers and parents. They collaborate closely with parents to gain insights into student academic performance, identify areas of improvement, and develop strategies for targeted instruction. This collaboration ensures a cohesive approach to your child’s education, aligning tutoring sessions with classroom goals and objectives. By working together, tutors, teachers, and parents can develop a shared understanding of your child’s unique needs and provide the necessary support for their educational journey, including more effective recommendations for modifications to their IEP, if necessary.

Tutoring holds immense value in supporting special education students on their educational journey. By opting into tutoring, you are providing your child with personalized instruction and targeted support tailored to their individual needs. The satisfaction of knowing that your child is receiving the attention and resources they require to overcome academic challenges is invaluable. We hope this blog post has shed light on the importance of tutoring and encourages you to consider it as a beneficial resource for your child’s special education experience.

Finding the right online tutor for your special education student is easy with Stride Tutoring. Stride simplifies the search process, allowing you to effortlessly connect with the best tutor suited to your child’s needs. With a comprehensive tutor database, you can quickly and efficiently filter tutors based on their specific experience in working with students with special needs. Under the “Learning Specialties” section you can filter by Dyslexia, Autism, ADD and ADHD, and learning disabilities. With this unique customization, you can ensure that your student receives the specialized support and expertise they require.

Online Tutoring with an “In-Person” Feel

Worried about your child focusing with an online tutor? Don’t. Our tutors are experts at engaging students in a virtual environment. Online tutoring is easy, safe, and convenient. Plus, kids often learn better in a comfortable environment!

Find an Online Tutor

The post The Power of Tutoring for Special Education Students appeared first on Stride Tutoring.
